Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "mar��a pilar queralt"
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Zaragoza (Spain), July 1808. A woman a little over the age of 20 pulls the linstock from the hands of a dead gunner and fires the cannon this one had at his charge. Her intervention, as daring as it is risky, forced the French troops that threatened the Zaragozan Puerta del Puertillo, and allowed General Palafox to rebuild the defense. The woman was born in Barcelona in 1768, and her name was Agustina Saragossa and would go down in history as... - Read more

Behind a great statesman such as Sebastiò José de Carvalho e Melo there is not one great woman, but several. Some bound by blood, like his mother Maria Teresa Luiza de Mendoça e Melo; others, by affection, such as his two wives. The first, ten years older than the young Sebastiâo, was the widow Teresa de Mendoça e Almada. The relationship was not fully accepted, but Sebastiao didn’t hesitate, he kidnapped... - Read more

This novel is one of the most moving love stories ever written. An impossible and secret passion, fed for years through letters and wonderful poems, which will stay forever in the readers' soul. Nieves Herrero reveals for the first time the true life of Pilar de Valderrama, the muse of Antonio Machado, a woman who, in the twilight of her days, had the courage to confess to the world that she was the Guiomar that some of the the poet's most... - Read more

For many historians, Inés de Castro was an intriguing and able woman, moved by ambition, in whose aura political intrigues were schemed and interesting palatial shenanigans played out. For poets and playwright, a lovely woman that lived one of history’s most fascinating passions. Maria Pilar Queralt del Hierro narrates with vivaciousness and agility the story of a love that beat death, the life of a woman that lived with passion... - Read more

Alfredo is a young man in the Barcelona of the 1950s, orphaned of his father and with a mother who lives immersed in a vital silence and her dedication to knitting. Alfredo knows practically nothings of how his parents met, and even less why she won’t return to that period to explain to him who he was. Many are the secrets that shroud this woman’s sad face. But need to discover one’s roots is unstoppable, and fate will lead... - Read more

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